JavaScript ES6 Training Course

Best JavaScript ES6 Training in Bangalore
SDLC Training Institute offers the best JavaScript ES6 training course in Marathahalli, Bangalore. It is taught by our expert trainers as per industry standards. At SDLC, our trainers are well experienced Web design and development professionals who have previously worked with top MNC companies.
SDLC Training Institute offers real time and job oriented training. We provide classroom, online and corporate training in JavaScript ES6 as a group as well as individually. After successful completion of JavaScript ES6 training program, we also provide you with 100% job placement assistance program.
JavaScript ES6 is an advanced level of Web Programming which can be learned after learning the basic JavaScript concepts. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the prerequisites for JavaScript ES6 training program. You will get a clear understanding of JavaScript ES6 concept when you have a good understanding of its prerequisite training courses. We have more in-depth web technologies which you can learn and explore later.
What is JavaScript ES6?
JavaScript ES6 is also known as ECMAScript 6 and JavaScript 6. It is a scripting language specification standardized by ECMAScript International.
It brings in new code and syntax with awesome features that are modern and more reliable.
JavaScript ES6 mainly focuses on simplicity and readability. It helps you find out the new features present in JavaScript, its importance and how to use it.
How we will start the course?
- Learn from basics.
- Practice coding.
- Set your algorithm carefully.
- Trace your codes on paper.
- Read sources on JavaScript ES6 regularly.
At end of the course?
- Trainees will understand the core concepts of JavaScript ES6.
- Participants will have an understanding of how to create and implement algorithms.
- Candidates will have detailed knowledge about JavaScript ES6.
- Real time project experience.

Demo Class : Free Demo Session, Flexible Timings | Free Class : Attend 3 Free Classes to check training Quality |
Regular : 2 Hours per day | Fast Track : 2 – 3 Hours per day: 10 days |
Weekdays : Available | Weekend : Available |
Online Training : Available | Class Room Training : Available |
Course Fee : Talk to our Customer Support | Duration : 30 Hours |
Before We Get Started
- Introduction
- ES6 vs ES2015
The ‘forEach’ Helper
- Array Helper Methods – The Easiest Way to Write Better Code
- The forEach Helper
- forEach Continued
- Why Use forEach?
- Moving Away from For Loops
- Processing Values
The ‘map’ Helper
- The Map Helper
- Map Helper Continued
- Where Map Is Used
- Plucking Values
- Calculating Values with Map
- Really Hard – Implementing ‘Pluck’
The ‘filter’ Helper
- Selecting Needed Data with Filter
- More on Filtering
- Choosing When to Filter
- Filtering Values
- Handling Permissions with Filter
- Challenging! Implementing ‘reject’.
The ‘find’ Helper
- Querying For Records with Find
- Find Continued
- Using Find to Search for Users
- Finding Admin Users
- What’s Your Balance?
- Really Challenging: Custom findWhere Helper
The ‘every’ and ‘some’ Helper
- A Little Every and a Lot of Some
- More on Every and Some
- Every and Some Syntax
- Every and Some in Practice
- Finding Submitted Users
- In Progress Network Requests
The ‘reduce’ Helper
- Condensing Lists with Reduce
- A Touch More of Reduce
- Ace Your Next Interview with Reduce
- Distance Traveled
- Reducing Properties
- Hardmode: Custom ‘Unique’ Helper
- Variable Declarations with Const and Let
- What Const and Let Solve
- A Constant Exercise of Letting Variables Be Variables
- Const/Let Refactoring
Template Strings
- Template Strings
- When to Reach for Template Strings
- Template Strings in Practice
- Name Helpers
Arrow Functions
- Fat Arrow Functions
- Advanced Use of Arrow Functions
- When to Use Arrow Functions
- When to Use Arrow Functions Continued
- Refactoring Keyword Functions
- Arrow Functions Aren’t Always a Solution
Enhanced Object Literals
- Enhanced Object Literals
- Wondering When to Use Enhanced Literals?
- Multiple Properties with Enhanced Notation
- Condensing Code with Enhanced Literals
- Literals in Functions
- Refactor to use enhanced literal notation
Default Function Arguments
- Specifying Default Function Arguments
- Use Cases of Defaulting Arguments
- Using Default Arguments
- Dumping Unused Code
Rest and Spread Operator
- Capturing Arguments with Rest and Spread
- The Rest on Rest and Spread
- Look to Use Rest and Spread in This Case
- Many, Many Arguments
- Spreadin’ Arrays
- Mixing Rest and Spread
- Goldmine of ES6: Destructuring
- Destructuring Arguments Object
- Destructuring Arrays
- Destructuring Arrays and Objects *At the Same Time*
- So…When to Use Destructuring?
- More on When to Use Destructuring
- Destructuring in Practice
- Array Destructuring in Practice
- Recursion with Destructuring
- Introduction to Classes
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Refactoring with Classes
- Extending Behavior of Classes
- When to Use Classes
- Game Classes
- Subclassing Monsters
- One Quick Thing: For…Of Loops
- Introduction to Generators
- Generators With a Short Story
- Another Step in Our Generator Story
- The Big Reveal on ES6 Generators
- A Practical Use of ES6 Generators
- Delegation of Generators
- Delegation of Generators Continued
- Symbol.Iterator with Generators
- Complexities of Symbol.Iterator
- Generators with Recursion
- More on Generators and Recursion
Promises and Fetch
- Code Execution in Javascript
- Terminology of Promises
- Creating Promises
- Then and Catch
- Async Code with Promises
- Ajax Requests with Fetch
- Shortcomings of Fetch
- RallyCoding
What is the batch size?
SDLC training providing the limited batch size, so we can provide quality teaching. If you want to get trained individually, we are also providing.
How you people will help for the Job?
SDLC training providing the 100% job assistance and mock interviews.
How you people will help in the projects?
SDLC training is providing the training with live projects and real-time practice.
How you people will provide the doubt clarification?
SDLC training providing the 24/7 interact access with faculties and after course also engagement between the faculties and students.
What are the extra services?
SDLC training providing the back up classes, soft skill training, interview skills workshop and resume preparation assistance.
How you people will help to enhance the students knowledge?
SDLC training providing the topics wise ppts, case studies, assignments and doubt solving.

Steps To Build A Successful Career at SDLC
Hands-on live projects
Resume preparation
Mock interviews
Attend interview
Get job

Google Reviews
good trainers, good enviroment to study. i have completed AWS, the trainer is friendly and teaches things in the simplest way so that any one can understand easily. also they provide jobs after completion of the course. so, go for this institute .
Rajesh kumar Biswal
June 29, 2020Really helpful tutors and best training institute for beginners from different field, to start the career in AWS Trainning .Including theory and practical classes ,helped to develop indepth knowledge in front end and Cloud architecture.Manav sir always help us for clearing doubt any time and by giving various example and videos.I learnt many things during these period.DEMO Classes available for various domain which is also very intresting.
sagar nayak
June 29, 2020 -
I enjoyed the course and I feel satisfied talking the course .The procedure was perfectly organised .The tutor was extremely kind of supportive .The trainer were also helpful & friendly..
Santosh Sahoo
June 24, 2020The quality is good and environment is friendly. The timings are manipulative as per ones convenience that is a plus point. Faculty here is also good.Good communication between student and Faculty. I can ask whatever question I have regarding the subject I’m getting trained for at any working hour directly to the faculty.
Shaah Rukh Mansoori
June 23, 2020

Features of SDLC
- Limit the batch size so we can provide personal attention to everyone in the session
- Real-time practice
- Live projects
- 24/7 interact access with faculties
- Experienced and passionate trainers
- After course engagement
- We give topics wise ppt, case studies, assignments and doubt solving
- 100% job assistance
- 24/7 support
- Classroom training, Online training and Corporate training.
- Student can attend their missed classes
- Soft skill training, interview skills workshop, resume preparation assistance

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